Below is the link to a walkthrough that I have written for the game Sword Art Online: Fatal Bullet around two years ago. It was in Chinese, so if you can't read it, I am sorry, but you can still watch my game play on Youtube.

To be honest, there is not much that need to be told to finish the game, there are clear guides in the game itself. The only point the need to be told would be about how to get into the True Ending.
You will need to get a Key Item: Afasys Amulet, which you will need to do the followings:
Obtain Affection Level 4 75% with the new Fatal Bullet characters Afasys, Kureha, Zeliska, Itsuki, and Bazalt Joe, and trigger the 3rd sleepover event
Obtain Affection Level 2 with the original Sword Art Online Characters, and trigger their respective events.
Finish Asuna, Agil and Lisbeth's side mission
Return to your room after finishing the above, and you will obtain the amulet after triggering an event.
Still, this is just the prerequisite, you will need to knock out the BOSS at the last battle when the BOSS starts to use a dark sphere attack. Otherwise, you will still end up in the normal end.

Game Acquired on: 2018/02/24 (Pre-ordered on Steam)
Game Started on: 2018/02/27
Game Completed on: 2018/03/19
100% Achievement Collected on (not including DLC): 2018/03/26
134% Achievement Collected on: TBC
Time spent: Around 124 hours