As a muggle, what's more fun than to play Harry Potter games and imagine that you are a wizard? There is! Which is a LEGO Harry Potter game.
The game is based on the movies, most of the time you shall control Harry, Ron and Hermione. You will learn different spells as the years progress. Similar to all LEGO games, all you do is destroy and build, but with magic spells!!!
As a completionist, I am going to collect all collectibles in this game, and I am going to do the speedrun as well. Currently no one is playing it with the 1-7 collection on Switch, so I have got the world record with ease.
Game started on 2020/11/03
Years 1-4 100% completed on 2020/11/09
Years 5-7 started on 2020/11/12
Years 5-7 100% completed on 2020/12/11

You can watch the videos from below: